Tong Gu Ling Resort

Location: Tong Gu Ling, Hainan, People's Republic of China

Scope: Long range regional planning

Size: 35+ square kilometers

Program: 15 Hotels, 5 golf courses, parks and preservation areas, marina, town center with mixed use commercial, retail, cultural center and fishing village, aquaculture park, residential (villas, condos, apartments), agriculture research

Description: Located on the northeastern coast of Hainan Province, the Tong Gu Ling Resort is expanding its existing recreational attraction to include a 35 square kilometer coastal playground. This playground will include hotels, marina, town center, cultural center, fishing village, corporate retreat facilities, golf courses, sports arena and museums. Approximately 20% of the prime coastal area of the site has been preserved and enhanced as a nature preserve and park system which includes many kilometers of hiking, biking and equestrian trails. A rare aquatic tree grove was preserved as well as the existing aquaculture and agricultural practices which were enhanced for public awareness.